Julia and Jeff had President's Day off. They left on Sunday to spend the night in Corsicana and hang out for the day. Julia was really excited to see Mimi and Pops but very concerned I was going to be home alone. She kept asking "Mommy what are you going to do?" Mommy are you going to be okay without me?"
Julia and Mimi took a trip to HEB, which Julia thinks is really funny because she says it is a very small grocery store. They also made cookies. Julia told me that Daddy did her hair and that is why it looked so crazy, because he did not use any conditioner. Ha!
Mimi and Julia snuggling on the couch

Pops and Julia in Pops favorite chair

Mimi and Julia

At the end of the trip my sweet girl brought me home my favorite cherry pie from Collins Street Bakery. All her idea. She knows how to keep her pregnant Mommy happy!